Shri Shri Ma Poorna Prajyna

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About Maa

On the path of  spirituality, purushartha & bhagvatkripa both are important. But purushartha done on our own, may lead to wrong path or longer path. So, a teacher is required to guide us, instruct us & more so to reduce our ego, so as to reform us, purify us so that knowledge can take place in our purified body & can give us enlightment, true knowledge, after which we get rid of  cycle of life & death and happiness & sorrow. Then we will be one and only One Sat Chit & Anand. In fact, we are Brahm right now, but we have forgotten and have acquired lack of knowledge, then ego, then desires, and so on. So, wisdom is required to get out of this, which requires a direction, a guidance by a Guru. The most subtle of our indriya is our shravan indriya or sense of hearing. So discourse by a saint if listened for quite some time will generate wisdom, vairagya & finally the ultimate truth. 

Our Beloved Guru Ma is a Great Saint, whose nearness, look, touch, words, smile, is Marvellous, and can not be expressed in words. Just experience it.   

Some of the words that describe our site include: purnapragya Purna Pragya  Poorna prajyna Ma  Maa Guru Ma Guruma Akhand Bodh Ganga Teerth  Kool Ghati Raiwala  Raivala, Rishikesh, Haridwar, Ramghat, Shri shri Ma purna Pragya ji akhandananda akandanand akandananda saraswatiji. Maharaj maharajshri maharajji swami swamiji vedant vedanta advaita bhakti karma yoga bhagvat Bhagwat shrimad srimad srimadbhagvata shrimadbhagvat geeta gita ramayan ram charita manas upnishad gyan dhyan. Upanishad ved veda brahm brahma aum om gopal nritya gopal anand vrindavan, anandvrindavan vrindaban mathura  Krishna radha madhav hanuman ram shiv hindu vaishnav shaiva shankar udia udiya uriya uria udiyababa hari baba karpatri prempuri yogi. Anandmayi mata shankaracharya saint sant mahatma sanyas satya sahitya truth non-duality. Seva charity hindu india philosophy scholar discourse pravachan spirtuality adhyatma. Religon swamiakhandanandji  Brahma Murti Udiya Baba

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Recently, Maa has given discourse on Yogvashishtha, a very powerful shastra, for serious sadhakas as well as the one who are just starters,

For those who want to understand life, body, age, universe, meaning of enjoyment, duty, worship, and so on.

This was the first discourse by Maa on Yogvashshta, which was on Vairagya Prakaran. Maa wishes to give more discourses on this holy Shastra so as to complete the entireYogvashishta.

The schedule & venue of the same shall be informed shortly.

The Audio & Video cassettes are available for past discourses of Maa. The details are being given. Some MP3 CDs & Audio DVDs  are also available & some are in process of making. For details, please see audio section of this site      


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